We want to achieve message passing reliability as in case of Erlang during a code upgrade. In an earlier post , we showed a simple test to check if messages get lost in the ether while an upgrade is taking place.
We would ideally like that cloud haskell also does not lose messages while it upgrades our code from one version to the next. In the worst case, we could make do without this requirement since messages can anyways get lost due to physical disconnects and the supervisor mechanism along with fault tolerance techniques like link and monitor can be used to make sure that faults get isolated. In a way, we can defer the problem to the unreliability of physical world while an upgrade is in place.
One important issue in haskell is that we cannot easily have multiple versions of the same module in memory using plugins package. It might require ghc runtime support but not much research has been done in that direction. Even without this support, we still could have multiple processes running on a single node and all of them might get upgraded together since all refer to the same module in memory. Or some processes might crash. Best way to know is by trying it out.
Below is a simple implementation of Ping Pong system in cloud haskell. Instead of a special message type for upgrade, we simply trigger an upgrade when we receive a particular integer.
| {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable,ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module PingPong where
import Control.Concurrent ( threadDelay )
import Control.Distributed.Process
import Control.Distributed.Process.Node
import Network.Transport ( closeTransport )
import Network.Transport.TCP
server :: DynamicT -> Process ()
server st = do
(cid,x) :: (ProcessId,Int) <- expect
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Got a Ping with value : " ++ (show x)
case x of
4 -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "UPGRADE"
liftIO $ st
_ -> do
send cid x
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Sent a Pong with value : " ++ (show x)
server st
client :: DynamicT -> Int -> ProcessId -> Process ()
client st 10 sid = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "DONE"
client st c sid = do
me <- getSelfPid
send sid (me,c)
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Sent a Ping with value : " ++ (show c)
(v :: Int) <- expect
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Got a Pong with value : " ++ (show v)
client st (c+1) sid
ignition :: DynamicT -> Process ()
ignition st= do
-- start the server
sid <- spawnLocal $ server st
-- start the client
cid <- spawnLocal $ client st 0 sid
return ()
liftIO $ threadDelay 100000-- wait a while
type DynamicT = IO ()
main :: DynamicT -> IO ()
main st = do
Right transport <- createTransport "" "8080"
node <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable
runProcess node $ ignition st
closeTransport transport
Here is the static core which is responsible for running and reloading our dynamic application. The code in static core is pretty trivial and boilerplate. It simply compiles, loads the PingPong module and evaluates main of PingPong by passing it an argument of type DynamicT which contain everything that is required for dynamic reloading. In this example, we are not concerned with state preservation or state migration, so we only pass the reboot function to the dynamic core.
| reboot :: IO ()
reboot = forever $ do
putStrLn "Loading"
r <- makeAll "PingPong.hs" []
case r of
MakeSuccess mc fp -> do
mv <- load fp [] [] "main"
putStrLn $ show $ mc
putStrLn "Loaded"
case mv of
LoadFailure msgs -> putStrLn "fail" >> print msgs
LoadSuccess m v -> do
putStrLn "success"
v reboot
unloadAll m
MakeFailure msgs -> putStrLn "failed to make" >> print msgs
putStrLn "Press y to reload"
type DynamicT = IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Loading"
r <- makeAll "PingPong.hs" []
case r of
MakeFailure msgs -> putStrLn "failed to make" >> print msgs
MakeSuccess mc fp -> do
mv <- load fp [] [] "main"
putStrLn $ show $ mc
putStrLn "Loaded"
case mv of
LoadFailure msgs -> putStrLn "fail" >> print msgs
LoadSuccess m v -> do
putStrLn "success"
s <- v reboot
return ()
Why did we define reboot in the static module?Why can't we simple define a reboot function in the dynamic module?
reboot function will require load,unload and make from System.Plugins modules which need to be imported in the dynamic module. This does not work in practice which means we can't import plugins in the dynamic module. Why not? The plugins module contains the code for dynamically reloading. If it is imported in the dynamic module also, the static core will try to recursively load and unload the plugins module also. If the code for plugins module is unloaded, then the dynamic reloading cannot work. So, it does not make sense to try to load/unload plugins as a module in dynamic module.
We cannot write our reboot function in dynamic module. So the only other place, we can write it is in the static module. But this reboot function must be executed inside the process which wants to upgrade. So, what do we do? We pass this reboot function as a value to all processes which might need to upgrade themselves.
So, all is well and good and the code above should work right? Not so fast bro! Can you spot the problem in the code? Take your time!
Well the first subtle bug is that reboot function is incorrect. The dynamic module must be unloaded before a load otherwise it still keeps the old version in the memory. Basically, load doesn't really load if the module already exists in memory even though the version in memory is old. We must unload m(which basically removes the entry that m is loaded) before the load. To really do that, we need to know which module m should we unload. And that information is only available after a load has occurred! So, we tried doing a useless load and then getting hold of the module m, we unload m and then again do the final real load which should work perfectly. It does not work in practice! The hack is very ugly, since we don't want to load twice. The ideal solution would be to pass the module that we need to unload as an argument to reboot. So the type of reboot then becomes
reboot :: Module -> IO ()
But who knows what module needs to be reloaded. The static core only knows it(while it boots up the dynamic module). But, reboot needs to be called by the dynamic module. So, static core should communicate this value of m to the dynamic module. How? It can simply send this value while calling the main of dynamic module.
The type of main of dynamic module becomes :
DynamicT :: (Module,Module->IO())
But the type of DynamicT needs to be also declared in the dynamic module. Declaring the new type of DynamicT in dynamic module is not possible since that would required importing the plugins module(since it exports the Module constructor).We cannot import plugins module in dynamic module without doing some hackery as discussed above. One possible way to go about it might be to change the unload function to no op in case it want to unload the plugins package. That would allow importing the plugins package in the dynamic module.
What other reasons might be against loading the plugins module in dynamic module? Is there some other way to do an unload before a load in the reboot function?
Once the reboot function is fixed, we have whole host of other problems such as
- properly returning to the correct location in the new version of code
- making sure that message queues don't get wiped out when the upgrade occurs
- making sure that threads responsible for managing the queue don't get killed and continue to receive message from the network buffers
- upgrading one process does not crash other processes running on the same node
- how to manage the state problem in case the state of processes need to be preserved across upgrades
Currently, we need answers to the following questions before we can look to fixing the above problems?
- What happens to message queues and other state created by processes during an upgrade?
- What happens to the threads which are running the processes themselves during an upgrade? Are the processes(threads) killed? If not, will they continue to work without problems after reboot?
Thoughts and comments please!
UPDATE : The next post in the series is up here.